#2243 ThemeWare® Google Fonts Update (EN)

It has been possible to host fonts yourself with ThemeWare® for a long time. For ThemeWare® 2.5.0 (Shopware 5.7.x) we have now integrated an even more convenient solution and oriented ourselves here on our themes for Shopware 6.

Unfortunately, it is not possible to integrate over 9,000 Google Fonts into ThemeWare®, but we have permanently integrated the fonts provided in each theme into the corresponding theme. This gives you the ability to use your theme's default fonts (theme fonts) in compliance with the GDPR without having to make individual adjustments.

The installation of individual fonts has not changed. If you have already done this once, this update regarding "Google Fonts" should almost not have any effect on your shop. You are no longer required to install the standard ThemeWare® fonts manually.

As we are convinced of the benefits of this improvement, we have even applied these changes to an old development branch and released this improvement with ThemeWare® 2.3.7 for Shopware 5.6.x as well.


Please note: This article is not a legal advice and cannot replace this but we recommend not to import fonts via Google Fonts but to self-host them or to install them locally on your server and to embed them from there.

1) Embed local fonts

In order to take our recommendation into account in the configuration of ThemeWare® we have decided to activate the configuration "Embed local fonts" in the default setting:

  • Embed local fonts (Tab "Colors & Typography" => Tab "Typography" => Bereich "Basic settings")

This helps new ThemeWare® customers but may also affect current customers.

Note: Current customers are only "affected" by configuration changes if they have not already manually changed the corresponding configuration themselves.

Update note

Please check the "Include fonts locally" configuration (tab "Colors & Typography" => tab "Typography" => block "Basic settings") after the ThemeWare® update.

  • If you do not want to import your fonts via the Google Fonts API, this configuration should be activated.
  • If you want to import your fonts via the Google Fonts API, deactivate this configuration at your own risk.

Note: If you want to self-host or install fonts locally, you have to install them on your server.

2) Primary-Font and Secondary-Font

We have also deactivated the old font options in the dropdowns "Primary-Font" and "Secondary-Font". These no longer have any effect and will be completely removed in a future update.

We have marked the corresponding font options with the note "(option will be removed)". They only serve to make migration easier for current customers.

The dropdowns "Primary font" as well as "Secondary font" now use the following options:

  • Option "Standard"
    • Loads the locally installed default font "Open Sans".
  • Option "Individual Font"
    • Loads an individual font. The desired font must be entered in the field "Individual Primary-Font" or "Individual Secondary-Font".

Update note

Please check the "Primary-Font" and "Secondary-Font" configurations (Tab "Colours & Typography" => Tab "Typography" => Block "Basic Configuration") after the ThemeWare® update.

If a font is selected in one or both dropdowns (e.g. "Noto Sans (option will be removed)"), copy the name of the font (e.g. "Noto Sans") into the field "Individual Primary-Font" and/or "Individual Secondary-Font". Also change the corresponding dropdown to the option "Individual Font".

Note: Whether the font is loaded locally or via Google Fonts is configured via the field "Embed local fonts" (see section "1) Embed local fonts").

3) Theme-specific fonts

As ThemeWare® cannot install several gigabytes of data for over 9,000 Google Fonts, some manual editing was unfortunately always necessary. With this ThemeWare® update, we have tried to take some of the work off your hands.

Each ThemeWare® theme now places its specific fonts on your server. This means that in addition to the "Open Sans" you have one or two other fonts on your server that you can use without having to make any individual adjustments.

The following overview shows you which fonts are available in your theme:


Primary-Font Secondary-Font
All themes Standard: Open Sans
Modern Standard Roboto (300,400,500,700)
Bath Standard Roboto Slab (300,400,500,600,700)
Bike Source Sans Pro (300,400,600,700) Exo 2 (300,400,500,600,700)
Bio Roboto (300,400,500,700) Englebert (400)
Clean Montserrat (300,400,500,600,700) Dancing Script (400,500,600,700)
Electric Titillium Web (300,400,600,700)
Exquisite Standard Oswald (300,400,500,600,700)
Fire Standard Lato (300,400,700)
Fit Standard Source Sans Pro (300,400,600,700)
Flower Standard Playfair Display (400,500,600,700)
Global Standard Roboto (300,400,500,700)
HiFi Roboto (300,400,500,700) Sedgwick Ave (400)
Kids Source Sans Pro (300,400,600,700)
Ladieswear Lato (300,400,700) Pacifico (400)
Lights Lato (300,400,700) Titillium Web (300,400,600,700)
Living Source Sans Pro (300,400,600,700) PT Sans (400,700)
Outdoor Standard Ubuntu (300,400,500,700)
Pets Noto Sans (300,400,500,600,700)
Plants Standard Source Sans Pro (300,400,600,700)
Strong Roboto (300,400,500,700)
Oswald (300,400,500,600,700)

You can enter the fonts of your theme (e.g. "Source Sans Pro" in ThemeWare® Kids) as an "Individual-Font". It does not matter whether you want to use the font as the "primary" or "secondary" font.

If you also activate the "Embed local fonts" option, the font is loaded from your server.

Update note

The fonts should be configured automatically during the update. However, if you have already edited the corresponding configuration fields, they cannot be updated during the update.

Please check if your theme is configured correctly:

  • "Standard" in the table represents the option "Standard" in the field "Primary-Font" or "Secondary-Font". The field "Individual Primary-Font" or "Individual Secondary-Font" can remain empty in this case.
  • If a "Primary-Font" or "Secondary-Font" is specified for your theme in the table above, this name can or should be in the configuration field "Individual Primary-Font" or "Individual Secondary-Font" and the option "Individual Font" is or shselected in the configuration field "Primary-Font" or "Secondary-Font".

Note: If you are already using an individual font configuration, these fields should not have changed, as you have already changed them once.

Configuration example in ThemeWare® Modern:


Finally, we would like to summarise what you should pay attention to after the update:

  1. Check the field "Embed local fonts" (Tab "Colors & Typography" => Tab "Typography" => Block "Basic settings").
    • If you had already activated this before the update, check whether this is still the case.
    • If you had not activated this field before the update, we recommend that you activate the field and install the fonts locally. Of course, you can also deactivate the field at your own risk.
  2. Check the field "Primary-Font" (Tab "Colors & Typography" => Tab "Typography" => Block "Basic settings")
    • Either "Standard" or "Individual Font" should be selected here.
    • If an option "... (option will be removed)" is selected, see the update note in section "2) Primary-Font and Secondary-Font".
  3. Check the field "Secondary-Font" (Tab "Colors & Typography" => Tab "Typography" => Block "Basic settings")
    • Either "Standard" or "Individual Font" should be selected here.
    • If an option "... (option will be removed)" is selected, see the update note in section "2) Primary-Font and Secondary-Font".
  4. Check whether you are using fonts that your ThemeWare® theme has already integrated. You can undo this customisation if you like.
  5. After the update, recompile your ThemeWare® theme or ThemeWare® child theme and check that no fonts are being loaded via the Google Fonts API!

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